Crossword clues for Caught, as a fish:
- ___ pin . . . ” nyt 1960 SEED Beginning. nyt 1960 SEED Bird food. nyt 1960 SEED Farmer's purchase. nyt 1960 SEEDBED Hothouse area. nyt 1960 SEEDIER Feeling or looking bluer. nyt 1960 SEEDLESS Describing some grapes. nyt 1960 SEEDS Sources. nyt 1960 SEEDY Down at the heel. nyt 1960 SEEDY Dressed shabbily. nyt 1960 SEEDY Feeling poorly: Colloq. nyt 1960 SEEDY No longer fresh or new. nyt 1960 SEEDY Threadbare. nyt 1960 SEEDY Threadbare. nyt 1960 SEEFIT Think proper. nyt 1960 SEEHERE Phrase demanding attention. nyt 1960 SEEK Hide's companion. nyt 1960 SEEK Resort to. nyt 1960 SEEK Try to get. nyt 1960 SEEL Leg: Comb. form. nyt 1960 SEELAND German form of Zealand. nyt 1960 SEEM Appear to be. nyt 1960 SEEM Appear to be. nyt 1960 SEEM Appear to be. nyt 1960 SEEM Appear to be. nyt 1960 SEEM Look to be. nyt 1960 SEEM Look. nyt 1960 SEEMED Appeared. nyt 1960 SEEMS Appears. nyt 1960 SEEN Beheld. nyt 1960 SEEN Observed. nyt 1960 SEEN Observed. nyt 1960 SEEN Spotted in the telescope. nyt 1960 SEEN Understood. nyt 1960 SEEN Witnessed. nyt 1960 SEEN Witnessed. nyt 1960 SEEN Witnessed. nyt 1960 SEEP Leak out. nyt 1960 SEEP Leak through. nyt 1960 SEEP Leak through. nyt 1960 SEEP Ooze. nyt 1960 SEEP Ooze. nyt 1960 SEEP Ooze. nyt 1960 SEEP Percolate. nyt 1960 SEEP Percolate. nyt 1960 SEEPED Leaked through. nyt 1960 SEEPS Percolates. nyt 1960 SEEPS Permeates. nyt 1960 SEEPY Poorly drained. nyt 1960 SEER Astrologer. nyt 1960 SEER Crystal-gazer. nyt 1960 SEER Fortuneteller. nyt 1960 SEER Man of vision. nyt 1960 SEER Nostradamus. nyt 1960 SEER Prophet. nyt 1960 SEER Seventh son. nyt 1960 SEERESS Crystal gazer. nyt 1960 SEERESS Student of tomorrow. nyt 1960 SEERS Clairvoyants. nyt 1960 SEERS Crystal gazers. nyt 1960 SEERS Premonitors. nyt 1960 SEERS Prophets. nyt 1960 SEERS Seventh sons. nyt 1960 SEERS Sibyls. nyt 1960 SEES Bishoprics. nyt 1960 SEES Calls on. nyt 1960 SEES Comprehends. nyt 1960 SEES Discerns. nyt 1960 SEES Discerns. nyt 1960 SEESAW Playground favorite. nyt 1960 SEESAWING Alternating in the lead. nyt 1960 SEESAWS Up-and-down motions. nyt 1960 SEESEE Sand partridge of India. nyt 1960 SEESRED Becomes boiling mad. nyt 1960 SEEST Beholdest. nyt 1960 SEESTHELIGHT Understands. nyt 1960 SEESTOIT Gives attention to something. nyt 1960 SEETO Look after. nyt 1960 SEGAR Cheroot: Var. nyt 1960 SEGARS Cheroots: Var. nyt 1960 SEGO Utah lily. nyt 1960 SEGO Utah's lily. nyt 1960 SEGO Utah's lily. nyt 1960 SEGURA Well-known tennis pro. nyt 1960 SEHR Very: Ger. nyt 1960 SEINE Fishermen's net. nyt 1960 SEINE Issy's river. nyt 1960 SEINE River of the Left Bank. nyt 1960 SEINE Rouen's river. nyt 1960 SEINE Rouen's river. nyt 1960 SEINE Trawl. nyt 1960 SEINED Caught fish. nyt 1960 SEINED Fished in a certain way. nyt 1960 SEINED Fished with a net. nyt 1960 SEINER Fisherman. nyt 1960 SEINES Nets. nyt 1960 SEISM Earthquake. nyt 1960 SEIZE Confiscate. nyt 1960 SEIZE Grasp. nyt 1960 SEIZED Captured. nyt 1960 SEL Item on a musical program: Abbr. nyt 1960 SELAH Biblical word of uncertain meaning. nyt 1960 SELAH Psalmic word of pause. nyt 1960 SELAH Word in the Psalms. nyt 1960 SELAHS Grace words in the Psalms. nyt 1960 SELDES Journalist and critic Gilbert ___. nyt 1960 SELDOM Not often. nyt 1960 SELDOM Now and then. nyt 1960 SELDOM Well, hardly ever. nyt 1960 SELECT Choice. nyt 1960 SELENAS Namesakes of a moon goddess. nyt 1960 SELENE Moon goddess. nyt 1960 SELENIC Lunar. nyt 1960 SELENIC Of the moon. nyt 1960 SELF One's own person. nyt 1960 SELF Type of control. nyt 1960 SELFAIDS Educational devices. nyt 1960 SELFDENIAL Personal discipline. nyt 1960 SELFHELP Objective of How to” books.
- The harp that once through ___ halls . . . ” nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA One of the Gilbert Islands. nyt 1952 TARAWA The Marines took it, November, 1943. nyt 1952 TARBELL Ida M. ___, famed writer on economics. nyt 1952 TARDE Afternoon, in Madrid. nyt 1952 TARDE Afternoon: Spanish. nyt 1952 TARDY Slow. nyt 1952 TARE A weed, in the Bible. nyt 1952 TARE Biblical weed. nyt 1952 TARE Darnel. nyt 1952 TARE Weed. nyt 1952 TARENTINES Inhabitants of an Italian city. nyt 1952 TARES Vetches. nyt 1952 TARES Weeds sowed among the wheat. nyt 1952 TARES Weeds. nyt 1952 TARGET A goal to be reached. nyt 1952 TARHEEL Native of North Carolina. nyt 1952 TARIFF Formerly a big political issue. nyt 1952 TARNS Lakes in the mountains. nyt 1952 TARO A plant called elephant's-ear. nyt 1952 TARO Cocoroot. nyt 1952 TARO Food for Polynesians. nyt 1952 TARO From which poi is made. nyt 1952 TARO Tropical food. nyt 1952 TAROT Card played no more. nyt 1952 TAROT Oldtime playing card. nyt 1952 TARPEIA Vestal virgin who was hurled from a rock by the Sabines. nyt 1952 TARPON Florida game fish. nyt 1952 TARPON Prized catch off Florida. nyt 1952 TARPON Prized game fish. nyt 1952 TARPONS Game fish caught off Florida. nyt 1952 TARR Tease: Var. nyt 1952 TARRED Describing roofs and roads. nyt 1952 TARRING Finishing off a roof. nyt 1952 TARRY Stay awhile. nyt 1952 TARS Briny men. nyt 1952 TARS Covers with pitch. nyt 1952 TARS Dick Deadeye and his pals. nyt 1952 TARS Men of the sea. nyt 1952 TARS Sea dogs. nyt 1952 TARSI Lower leg joints. nyt 1952 TART Small pie with no top crust. nyt 1952 TART Sour. nyt 1952 TARTANA Two-wheeled carriage of Valencia. nyt 1952 TARTAR Intractable person. nyt 1952 TARTE French dessert. nyt 1952 TARTEN Make pungent. nyt 1952 TAS Heap or pile: French. nyt 1952 TAS Heap or pile: French. nyt 1952 TASCO Clay for making melting pots. nyt 1952 TASHA River in China. nyt 1952 TASK A kind of master. nyt 1952 TASK Duty. nyt 1952 TASK Job. nyt 1952 TASK Job. nyt 1952 TASM Island south of Australia: Abbr. nyt 1952 TASMAN Discover of Fiji Islands, 1643. nyt 1952 TASMANSEA Expanse of water W of New Zealand. nyt 1952 TASS Its newsmen are suspect in U. S. nyt 1952 TASS Red news agency. nyt 1952 TASSE Cup: French. nyt 1952 TASSE Cup: French. nyt 1952 TASSEL Decoration on a mortarboard. nyt 1952 TASSELED Put forth inflorescence. nyt 1952 TASSELS Ornaments, on maize. nyt 1952 TASSO Epic poet. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian 16th century poet. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian poet of the 16th century. nyt 1952 TASSO Italian poet who wrote Jerusalem Delivered."