Crossword clues for Be in direct opposition:BIPOLARHolding two directly opposite opinions at the same timeENEDirection opposite WSWNNWDirection opposite SSETOETOTOEIn direct oppositionINVERSEDirect oppositeNNEDirection opposite SSWESEDirection opposite WNWNOMAD.C. nabe whose name is derived similarly to that of SoHo, but with the opposite direction, and instead of Houston Street it's... somethingssachusetts AvenueWSWDirection opposite ENEMIRRORIMAGEDirect oppositeNORTESpanish direction opposite surFACETOFACEIn direct oppositionENEDirection opposite of WSWESTEDirection opposite oesteNORTEDirection opposite surHEADONIn direct oppositionSBEDirection opposite NBWINVERSESDirect oppositesFROIn the opposite directionANTIPODEDirect oppositeSSEDirection opposite NNWFROOpposite direction from "to"SURDirection opposite "norte"SSWDirection opposite NNENNEDirection opposite of SSWFACINGDirectly oppositeBARBSPoints in the opposite direction?ANTISCIANSPersons whose shadows at noon fall in opposite direction.ACROSSDirectly opposite.DIAMETRICDirectly opposite.IRONICDirectly opposite to what is expected.INVERSEDirectly opposite.REVERSALDirect opposite.IRONICDirectly opposite to what is.IRONICDirectly opposite to what might be expected.ESTEOpposite direction from oesteANTIPODEDirectly opposite pointNORDDirection opposite sudFROReturning in the opposite directionNORTEDirection opposite from surCORIOLISFORCEWhat causes storms to swirl in opposite directions in the Northern and Southern HemispheresSUDDirection opposite nordPITAGAINSTSet in direct opposition toCANCELOUTImpact equally in the opposite directionSTANDTOETOTOEBe in direct oppositionANTIPODESDirect oppositesZAGGo one of two opposite directionsSSEOpposite direction of a Hitchcock classic?NNWDirection opposite 44-AcrossSSECompass direction opposite NNW