- ___ the Man.” nyt 1952 STAN Actor Kenton. nyt 1952 STAN Comedian Laurel. nyt 1952 STAN Hollywood's Mr. Kramer. nyt 1952 STAN Man's nickname. nyt 1952 STAN Musial of the Cardinals. nyt 1952 STAN Oliver Hardy's friend. nyt 1952 STAN Slugger Musial. nyt 1952 STAN Stanky's favorite player. nyt 1952 STAN That man Musial. nyt 1952 STANCE Position. nyt 1952 STANCES Important foot positions in golf. nyt 1952 STANCES Postures. nyt 1952 STANCH Steadfast and true. nyt 1952 STAND A firm position. nyt 1952 STAND Growing trees, on a given area. nyt 1952 STANDARDBEARERS Eisenhower and 14 Across. nyt 1952 STANDARDS Emblems of government. nyt 1952 STANDCLEAR Skipper's command to stay away. nyt 1952 STANDEE Symbol of a successful show. nyt 1952 STANDEES Subway sardines. nyt 1952 STANDIN Movie star's double. nyt 1952 STANDINS Unsung Hollywood heroes. nyt 1952 STANDOUTS Things conspicuous for their excellence. nyt 1952 STANDOVER Postpone. nyt 1952 STANDPATTER Die-hard. nyt 1952 STANDPOINT Position on a subject. nyt 1952 STANDS Endures without change. nyt 1952 STANDSTILL No-buying, no-selling condition. nyt 1952 STANE Rock, in Scotland. nyt 1952 STANFORD 8,739 students. nyt 1952 STANFORDINDIANS Coach Taylor's Palo Alto eleven. nyt 1952 STANG TV comedian. nyt 1952 STANISLAS Two kings of Poland bore this name. nyt 1952 STANKY St. Louis Cardinals' manager. nyt 1952 STANLAUREL Movie comedian. nyt 1952 STANLEY Noted explorer. nyt 1952 STANLEYCUP The Red Wings won it. nyt 1952 STANTON Lincoln's Secy. of War. nyt 1952 STANTON Lincoln's Secy. of War. nyt 1952 STANTON Suffragist Elizabeth Cady ___. nyt 1952 STAPLE Chief commodity of a place. nyt 1952 STAPLE Rival of the paper clip. nyt 1952 STAR A name in lights. nyt 1952 STAR Arcturus or Antares. nyt 1952 STAR Arcturus. nyt 1952 STAR Betelgeuse, for instance. nyt 1952 STAR Brigadier general's emblem. nyt 1952 STAR Emblem on Cuba's flag. nyt 1952 STAR Feature. nyt 1952 STAR First-rater. nyt 1952 STAR Item for the planetarium. nyt 1952 STAR Light years away. nyt 1952 STAR Member of a galaxy. nyt 1952 STAR Part of Cassiopeia's Chair. nyt 1952 STAR Part of the Southern Cross. nyt 1952 STAR Pre-eminent. nyt 1952 STAR Printer's mark *. nyt 1952 STAR Sirius or Pollux. nyt 1952 STAR Sirius, for instance. nyt 1952 STAR Space ship's landfall. nyt 1952 STAR Symbol of Texas. nyt 1952 STAR Symbol on Arizona's flag. nyt 1952 STAR Symbol on certain dressing room doors. nyt 1952 STAR Symbol on our union jack. nyt 1952 STARANISE Poison bay tree. nyt 1952 STARCH In shirts and backbones. nyt 1952 STARCHES Bread and potatoes. nyt 1952 STARCHY Like poi. nyt 1952 STARDOM Goal of most thespians. nyt 1952 STARDUST Appropriate piece of music for space journeys. nyt 1952 STARE Be conspicuous. nyt 1952 STARE Look of amazement. nyt 1952 STARER Goggler. nyt 1952 STARER Ogling one. nyt 1952 STARES Gawps. nyt 1952 STARES Gazes rudely. nyt 1952 STARLET Nancy Davis of Hollywood, for instance. nyt 1952 STARLIT Suffused with a certain radiance. nyt 1952 STAROST Polish nobleman. nyt 1952 STAROST Polish nobleman. nyt 1952 STARRY Sparkling. nyt 1952 STARS Adib, Baham, Canopus, etc. nyt 1952 STARS ___ and Bars. nyt 1952 STARSANDSTRIPES G. I.'s reading matter. nyt 1952 START Establish. nyt 1952 START Lead or handicap in a race. nyt 1952 START Originate. nyt 1952 START Point of departure. nyt 1952 START Set in operation. nyt 1952 START Sudden fright. nyt 1952 START Sudden involuntary movement. nyt 1952 STARTED Jumped. nyt 1952 STARTERS Parts of automobiles. nyt 1952 STARTLING Frightful. nyt 1952 STARTS Inaugurates. nyt 1952 STARTS Spurts of activity. nyt 1952 STARVES Suffers deprivation. nyt 1952 STASH Hide safely: Slang. nyt 1952 STASH Store in a secret place for future use: Slang. nyt 1952 STASSEN Contestant in today's big election. nyt 1952 STASSEN G. O. P. candidate. nyt 1952 STASSEN He's a Republican. nyt 1952 STASSEN His hat is in the ring. nyt 1952 STASSEN One of the candidates. nyt 1952 STAT The Thinker," for one: Abbr.
- ___ She Sweet?” nyt 1952 AINTREE English steeplechase track. nyt 1952 AINU Aborigine of Japan. nyt 1952 AINU Racial ancestor of the Japanese. nyt 1952 AIR Finletter's bailiwick. nyt 1952 AIR Gas station commodity. nyt 1952 AIR Melody. nyt 1952 AIR Way to travel. nyt 1952 AIR Where Sabre meets Mig. nyt 1952 AIR With 25 Down, a landing place. nyt 1952 AIRANDSEA Pertaining to action in two elements: 3 wds. nyt 1952 AIRCOOLS Removes heat. nyt 1952 AIRE French river. nyt 1952 AIRE It flows through Leeds, England. nyt 1952 AIRE River in France, tributary of the Aisne. nyt 1952 AIRE River in Yorkshire. nyt 1952 AIRE Tributary of the Aisne. nyt 1952 AIRED Displayed. nyt 1952 AIRED Published. nyt 1952 AIRER Frame for clothes drying. nyt 1952 AIRERS Frames for drying clothes. nyt 1952 AIRES Buenos ___. nyt 1952 AIRES Buenos ___. nyt 1952 AIRGUN Child's popper. nyt 1952 AIRLINES Modern transportation systems. nyt 1952 AIRMAILS Puts 6c in stamps on the envelope. nyt 1952 AIRMAILS Puts a six-cent stamp on a letter. nyt 1952 AIRMAN Member of Gen. Weyland's command. nyt 1952 AIRMEN Gen. Twining's forces. nyt 1952 AIRPOCKET Atmospheric airplane hazard. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Gander or Goose Bay. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Orly is one. nyt 1952 AIRPORT Orly or Gander. nyt 1952 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1952 AIRS Affected manners. nyt 1952 AIRS Disdainful mien. nyt 1952 AIRS Publicizes. nyt 1952 AIRS Songs. nyt 1952 AIRTRAP Part of a drainage system. nyt 1952 AIRVESSEL Any flying craft: 2 wds. nyt 1952 AIRY Unsubstantial. nyt 1952 AIS Sloths. nyt 1952 AISLED Having passages between seats. nyt 1952 AISNE Tributary of the Oise. nyt 1952 AIT Islet. nyt 1952 AIT River island. nyt 1952 AIT River islet. nyt 1952 AIT Tiny island. nyt 1952 AITS Small islands. nyt 1952 AIX ___-la-Chapelle. nyt 1952 AJAR Open. nyt 1952 AJAR Out of harmony. nyt 1952 AJOG Moving at a slow pace. nyt 1952 AKENE Dandelion seed, for instance: Var. nyt 1952 AKIHITO Son in line for Hirohito's throne. nyt 1952 AKIN Allied. nyt 1952 AKIN Related to. nyt 1952 AKIN Related. nyt 1952 AKIN Very like. nyt 1952 AKKA Belgian Congo pygmy. nyt 1952 AKKA Pygmy of the Belgian Congo. nyt 1952 AKRON City of 274,605 in Ohio. nyt 1952 AKRON City of 274,605 in Ohio. nyt 1952 AKRON City south of Cleveland. nyt 1952 AKRON Ohio city. nyt 1952 AKRON Rubber products center. nyt 1952 AKRON U. S. rubber center. nyt 1952 ALA Chicken ___ king. nyt 1952 ALA Gov. Person's state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Governor Persons' state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA In the mode of. nyt 1952 ALA Iranian diplomat. nyt 1952 ALA Iranian diplomat. nyt 1952 ALA Pie ___ mode. nyt 1952 ALA Sen. Sparkman's state: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Montgomery is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Muscle Shoals is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Selma is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where Tuscaloosa is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where the Azalea Trail is: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA Where the Coosa flows: Abbr. nyt 1952 ALA With, in cookery. nyt 1952 ALA With, in cookery. nyt 1952 ALABAMA First name in convention roll calls. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Gov. Persons' state. nyt 1952 ALABAMA National convention's first vote. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Sparkman's state. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Where Mobile is. nyt 1952 ALABAMA Where Tombigbee River flows. nyt 1952 ALABAMAN Senator Hill is one. nyt 1952 ALABAMANS Governor Persons and Senator Hill. nyt 1952 ALABAMAS Sparkman and Hill are ___ Senators. nyt 1952 ALACK Ah me! nyt 1952 ALACK Oldtime word of dismay. nyt 1952 ALAE Botanical wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Winglike parts. nyt 1952 ALAE Winglike petals. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings of a Roman army. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings. nyt 1952 ALAE Wings: Anat. nyt 1952 ALAGOAS A state in Brazil. nyt 1952 ALAI Half of a Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Cuban game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, Spanish game. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, also called pelota. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___, game resembling squash. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___. nyt 1952 ALAI Jai ___. nyt 1952 ALAI Merry: Spanish. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountain range in the Tien Shan system. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains in Asia. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains in Kirgiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains of Kirghiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Mountains of Kirghiz. nyt 1952 ALAI Turkish regiment. nyt 1952 ALAMEDA Naval air base site in Calif. nyt 1952 ALAMEIN Where the Desert Fox was turned back. nyt 1952 ALAMO A Pyrrhic victory for Santa Anna. nyt 1952 ALAMO James Bowie fell here, 1836. nyt 1952 ALAMO San Antonio's historic mission. nyt 1952 ALAMO Shrine at San Antonio. nyt 1952 ALAMO Texan shrine built in 1722. nyt 1952 ALAMO Texan's war cry, Remember the ___."