Crossword clues for A certain time.:
- Accommodation for a long train trip ... or a hint to entering a certain letter 14 times in this puzzle
- Like two peas in ___.” nyt 1953 APOD Footless animal. nyt 1953 APOD Footless creature. nyt 1953 APOD Having no feet. nyt 1953 APOGEE Point in orbit of celestial body farthest from earth. nyt 1953 APOLLO Artemis' twin. nyt 1953 APOLLO Relative of 62 Across. nyt 1953 APOODLE Dog or haircut: 2 wds. nyt 1953 APORT To the left side on a ship. nyt 1953 APOS Where GI's get mail. nyt 1953 APPAL Dismay. nyt 1953 APPAL Overcome with fear. nyt 1953 APPARATUS Gymnasium equipment, for instance. nyt 1953 APPEAR Be in a play. nyt 1953 APPEAR Be published. nyt 1953 APPEAR Be seen. nyt 1953 APPEAR Come before the public. nyt 1953 APPEARS Is in the cast. nyt 1953 APPEARS Is published. nyt 1953 APPEASE Accede to belligerent demands by a sacrifice of justice. nyt 1953 APPELS Stamps of the foot, in fencing. nyt 1953 APPLAUSE Sign at a radio broadcast. nyt 1953 APPLE Delicious. nyt 1953 APPLE Northern Spy. nyt 1953 APPLECART Vehicle upset by marplots. nyt 1953 APPLETREE Where to find Baldwins. nyt 1953 APPOINTEE One named to a political job. nyt 1953 APPOSE Put side by side. nyt 1953 APPRAISE Estimate worth. nyt 1953 APPRAISER Jewelry judge. nyt 1953 APPRENTICING Setting to work to learn from a master. nyt 1953 APPROXIMATE Nearly correct. nyt 1953 APPT Calendar notation: Abbr. nyt 1953 APPT Date: Abbr. nyt 1953 APR A month: Abbr. nyt 1953 APR Calendar abbreviation. nyt 1953 APRICATE Bask in sun. nyt 1953 APRIL It had Friday 13th in 1951. nyt 1953 APRIL Its symbol is a diamond. nyt 1953 APRIL Part of 9 Down. nyt 1953 APRIL Thirty days. nyt 1953 APRIL Time to visit 1 Across. nyt 1953 APRIL When Revere rode. nyt 1953 APRILFOOL A victim on a certain day. nyt 1953 APRILFOOL Remark after a practical joke. nyt 1953 APRILINE Like a time in spring. nyt 1953 APRILS Oh, to be in England now that ___ there."
- Love ___ neighbor.” nyt 1960 THY Poetic possessive. nyt 1960 THYME Minty green plant. nyt 1960 THYROIDS Certain ductless glands. nyt 1960 TIA Aunt, in Toledo. nyt 1960 TIA Aunt: Span. nyt 1960 TIA Spanish aunt. nyt 1960 TIA ___ Juana. nyt 1960 TIA ___ Juana. nyt 1960 TIARA Coronet. nyt 1960 TIARA Coronet. nyt 1960 TIARA Coronet. nyt 1960 TIARA Crownlet. nyt 1960 TIARA Part of the crown jewels. nyt 1960 TIARA Piece of Jewelry. nyt 1960 TIARA Royal adornment. nyt 1960 TIARAS Crown jewels. nyt 1960 TIARAS Hair ornaments. nyt 1960 TIARAS Majestic crowns. nyt 1960 TIBER In Italy, the Tevere. nyt 1960 TIBET Dalai Lama's land. nyt 1960 TIBET High land. nyt 1960 TIBET India's neighbor. nyt 1960 TIBI To you: Lat. nyt 1960 TIBS Plays hooky, in England. nyt 1960 TIC Involuntary twitch. nyt 1960 TIC Twitch. nyt 1960 TIC Twitch. nyt 1960 TIC Twitching. nyt 1960 TICAL Money in Bangkok. nyt 1960 TICAL Siamese coin unit. nyt 1960 TICAL Siamese weight. nyt 1960 TICK Pillow covering. nyt 1960 TICKS Sounds by the second. nyt 1960 TICKTOCK Sound of time going by. nyt 1960 TID Thrice a day, in prescription parlance. nyt 1960 TIDAL Describing certain waves. nyt 1960 TIDAL Of ocean currents. nyt 1960 TIDAL Pertaining to ebb and flow. nyt 1960 TIDAL Referring to inflow and outflow. nyt 1960 TIDE Current. nyt 1960 TIDE Current. nyt 1960 TIDE Ebb or flood. nyt 1960 TIDE Help along (with over").
- Masterpiece Theatre” it ain't nyt 2005 TRASHTV Certain guilty pleasure nyt 2005 TRAUMA Hospital's ___ center nyt 2005 TRAVANTI Daniel who played Furillo nyt 2005 TRAVEL Sunday newspaper section nyt 2005 TRAVELVISA Document shown at border patrol nyt 2005 TRAX Time ___," 1990's sci-fi TV series