Crossword clues for ... for instance 10 letters:PAREXEMPLEFor instance, in CannesNEARTHETOPSecond or third, for instanceNECKOFLANDIsthmus, for instanceFREENATIONGreat Britain or France, for instance.MINNESOTANHarold Stassen, for instance.PRIMADONNAAlbanese, for instance.COLORATURALily Pons, for instance.FINGERFOODHors d'oeuvres, for instanceDERAILMENT#NotAllMen, for instancePALINDROMEWas it a cat I saw? for instance.EATHEALTHYChoose vegetables, for instanceTENNESSEANRay Jenkins, for instance.FOREXAMPLEAs an instance.SHADETREESChestnuts, for instance.COLORADANSSenators Johnson and Millikin, for instance.MEDIAEVENTPress conference, for instanceSKIINGRACESlalom, for instanceGRANDEDAMEQueen Mary, for instance.DISPENSERSCoffee machines, for instance.TWOSEATERSGemini capsules, for instance: Colloq.TELEPHONICLong-distance, for instance.COMICOPERAThe Mikado,” for instance. nyt 1956 COMICOPERA Popular entertainment. nyt 1956 COMIN ___ through the Rye."RATITEBIRDThe emu, for instance.SUMMERTIMEEDT, for instanceDINALPOINTWest, for instance, on the highway?SNORINGCATNoisily napping Manx, for instance?VIDEOGAMESInstances when you'd want to be told "get a life"HIGHCOMEDYSchool For Scandal, for instance.SILVERCOINKennedy half dollar, for instance.QUIZMASTERHal March, for instance.BREAKABLESGlassware, etc., for instanceHOUSEPETESRepresentatives Sessions (R-TX) and Aguilar (D-CA), for instance?MASTERMINDDu Maurier's Svengali, for instance.CHARIOTEERBen Hur, for instanceRESORTWEARBikini, for instance.POSSESSIVEMine, for instanceBIANNUALLYEach June and December, for instanceSTATUETTESOscars, for instancePLANTATIONTara, for instanceNEGOTIATORMaj. Gen. Howard M. Turner, for instance.WASTEPAPERGum wrappers, for instance.CLOSESHAVEA Pauline "peril," for instance.TRADEUNIONUAW, for instance.TOURNAMENTN.Y. Regional, for instance.REALNUMBER1 or pi, for instanceADMIXTURESCocktails, for instanceECOLOGISTSForesters, for instanceUPPERHOUSEThe Senate, for instanceIMPRESARIORudolph Bing, for instance.ARCHRIVALSGiants and Dodgers, for instance.